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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hiking Rock Climbing


(Yup that's pretty much the hike uphill, the arrow is pointing to the flag if you can even see it! Oh and if you're wondering it's easier sliding down on your butt on the way down then actually walking. It's way to sketchy to walk down cuz if you slip your gone off the edge. Trust me)

(My BFF Ryan, he's a sweetheart and SINGLE hit him up ladies)
(^^ if you make it to the top you can write your name and a message. The messages were so inspiring you guys should go read them because they will definitely give you an outlook on life! The hike is Deuel Creek/Flag Rock in Centerville. And the notebook is in the geocasche box cemented in the rock. DO IT)

I went on theee sickest hike this morning! It was seriously straight up a rock cliff! haha trust me all the work pays of when you get to the top!!! The view was AMAZING! If you're looking to go on an awesome hike do this one:)

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